It seems like we always have someone in our lives that is hurting. Maybe it's a coworker or neighbor. Maybe it's a close friend or relative. Maybe it's even us. The person's life is a mess, no matter what they try, they can't seem to make things better or make progress out of the chaos.

And the thing about poor choices is that they usually come with warnings. Sometimes it's the caution from a friend. Sometimes it's a gut feeling. Sometimes there are so many red flags, you'd have to be colorblind to ignore them. And yet, despite all that, despite the whispers and shouts to turn back, avoid at all costs, do not enter....they do anyway.
Then these same people complain about the path they’ve walked, never stopping to admit their culpability in their own foolish choices that has led them to the current suffering.
"But he/she is so cute! I can overlook their behavior."
"But it's more money! It doesn't matter what I have to compromise."
"But it feels good! I won't become a statistic."
"But I'll be popular! It's better than people not liking me."
"But it's what I want! And I should be happy no matter what."
The problem with this mentality is that the excuse is never strong enough to overcome the adversity.

It's doesn't matter how innocent it looks, or how pretty it looks, or how harmless it looks. It will cut you.
It doesn't matter how careful you try to step, or how much you try to avoid falling, or how quickly you try to get through. It will cut you.
Some pieces of glass leave just scratches, surface injuries.
Others pieces cut deeply. The cut will get infected. They piece will go deep into the skin and not be easily removed.
They will leave scars. Some scars will be in places only you can see. Other pieces will leave scars everyone will see.
But the choice is to walk across it anyway. For attraction or money or success or distraction or briefly feeling loved...they choose the high risk of injury and pain that lasts a lifetime rather than choosing the option to turn away. The warnings don't matter.
So here's the wrap up: every one of us has chosen to walk across the broken glass a time or two in our lives. Some of us got to the other side with superficial wounds and learned our lesson. Others have deep scars and learned their lesson. And then there are those of you who continue to walk the broken glass, despite the shattered life it brings you. Will you admit your responsibility for where you are? Can you admit your need for help? Those who love you have every desire to help, but they cannot continue warning someone who never heeds the advice. As much as it is your accountability that got you into this moment, it is your accountability to help get you out - and stay out - of it. The help you have around you now may not always be there. Choose to piece your life back together instead of living a shattered life.
There are beaches in the world that have glass that has had its edges softened over years of pounding from the waves and shore. There it is possible to walk among the pretty glass upon the sand. It's even a marvel to behold the power and force necessary to reshape something so jagged. If you have to walk among the glass, let it be there and not in a place you never should have been walking to begin with.