Music Movies/TV
"Light My Fire" - The Doors "St. Elmo's Fire" "Fire in the Sky"
"Great Balls of Fire" -Jerry Lee Lewis "Fire Down Below" "In the Line of Fire"
"Ring of Fire" - Johnny Cash "Man on Fire" "Chariots of Fire"
"We Didn't Start the Fire" - Billy Joel "Catching Fire" "Chicago Fire"
"Fire and Rain" - James Taylor "Fireproof" "Grace Under Fire"
Phrases Miscellaneous
"Light a fire under his butt" Pontiac Firebird (auto)
"Fight fire with fire" Firestone (tires)
"Courage under fire" Firefox (search engine)
"Play with fire" Kindle Fire (tablet)
"You're fired" Firearms (weapons)
"Fired up"
"Too many irons in the fire"
"Add fuel to the fire"
"Trial by fire"
"Liar, liar, pants on fire"
And these are just the names using "fire." There are numerous other examples when you look for "burning," "hot," "flames," etc. We are a society literally covered in objects and ideas of fire. From what we listen to and watch to what comes out of our mouths to what we spend money on - it's everywhere!
Why do you think that is?
My next thought was to ponder how the use of fire is mentioned in the Bible. Did you know that the word "fire" is used 549 times in the King James version? That's a lot of times! Here's what usually comes to mind:
"Fire and brimstone" - Rev 14:10
"Lake of fire" - Rev 21:8
I think it would be safe to say that if a survey were done, most Christians would associate these types of negative scriptures to to the 500+ references for fire in the Bible. But they'd be wrong! A vast majority of verses that speak about fire are actually spoken of with affirming qualities and characteristics. They say things like:
"The Lord went ahead of them...in a pillar of fire" - Exodus 13:21
"The Lord your God is a consuming fire" - Deuteronomy 4:24
"The God who answers by fire" - 1 Kings 18:24
"The fire of The Lord fell" - 1 Kings 18:38
"Is not my Word like fire?" - Jeremiah 23:29
"And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them" - Zechariah 13:9
"He will be like a refiner's fire" - Malachi 3:2
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" - Luke 3:16
"For our 'God is a consuming fire'" - Hebrews 12:29 (Deut 4:24)
Whoa! No wonder we are fascinated with fire! We are created by a Creator who IS a consuming fire, Who's Word is like fire, Who answers by fire, and refines by fire. Our Father is telling us over and over that He guides us, grows us, and gives to us through fire.
Everything we need is contained in those flames that we are so easily entertained and mesmerized by.
But we avoid the Fire at all costs. Oh, we want it - we crave it - but we avoid it. Despite our spiritual makeup to be drawn to the Fire, we replace it with the material fires of man. We replace it with symbols and words and pictures, trying to fill the void. We forget the joy of our first days, being "on fire for The Lord." We forget the beauty of "this little light of mine." Instead we cringe at the thought of being burned by conviction. We turn away from the idea of melting our cold hearts in the warmth of His love. We abhor the idea of being refined through trials that draw us closer to His side. We want the illusion of the fire. We want the quick flip of the switch and an instant flame, never realizing that the true joy and beauty is in the gathering and laying and striking and fanning and feeding and stoking.

Have you felt the chill, but haven't wanted to do the work?
Have you seen The Father's fire leading the way, but been afraid to follow?
Have you lost the passionate fire you once had for the walk with your Savior?
I have been there. Some days, I'm still there. I want the flame without the work. I want the heat without the sting. But He never intended it that way. We are drawn to the fire because He is the fire! He is the original Fire Starter. He is drawing us to Himself. Be mesmerized and come closer! The love of an all consuming God wants to reignite you!
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