If you recall, I was able to make a trip to Florida last month. One of the things I enjoyed was walking the beachfront outside our hotel in the cool mornings. I was rather surprised at my level of enjoyment because I am not a beach person. Having lived in Florida off and on for a total of 16 years, dealing with the tourists, the sand, and the sunburns just wasn't my thing. But somehow, being a 'tourist' myself now, I was able to appreciate the beauty of the waves and the shore. Although bundled against the December wind, I truly felt joy in being there.
Not far from our hotel, there was a tidal pool that had formed behind a shelf in the sand. I noticed it my first day out. It was very deep and had drawn the attention of several shore birds. Other than taking a couple of photos, I didn't pay much attention to it.

But it was a bit out of my reach. I could see it, but about two feet separated it from me. Two feet of sand across and two feet of water deep. It was December. I was in running shoes. I did not want to step into that frigid pool to fetch a shell and then walk all the way back to my hotel in cold, soaked shoes/socks/pant legs. So I decided to continue my walk and figure out how to get my shell.
Ok, so I knew I didn't want to get my feet wet. Had it been summer, it wouldn't have been a problem. I could have easily walked barefoot into water that would have felt refreshing. Bend over, pick it up, mine. Done. But that wasn't an option now. Even removing my shoes and rolling up my pants would require a very cold, very sandy walk back to my room.
I looked around to see if there were any branches or long sticks. Of course, there weren't. Sand and condos for miles. No trees. No dune grass. Nothing. That wasn't going to work either.
So I thought about asking someone else for help. I had seen a couple people using walking sticks as they strolled. Maybe one of them would be willing to use their stick to prod the shell closer to us so I could reach it. But I didn't see anyone with walking sticks anymore. And it was just as well. I'd have felt a little goofy asking.
But I really wanted that shell!!!
I headed back to the tidal pool and kept brainstorming. But no matter what I thought of, it wouldn't get me that shell. It was too far. I didn't have the right tools or any help. And I realized I had to leave it there. It wasn't meant to be mine after all.
I was a bit sad as I walked back to my hotel. But as He does in most things, the Lord spoke to my heart and resulted in this blog.
The things we want in life have requirements:
*Sometimes it needs to be the right season. If we are going after something too soon or too late, then success cannot be guaranteed. Timing is everything.
*Sometimes we need the right attire. You don't dress like a fireman to scuba dive. And you don't wear a tiara to go camping. Being prepared for the task makes all the difference.
*Sometimes we need the right tools. Having the skills or knowledge to complete a goal is often the key to completion. Being ill-equipped commonly leads to defeat.
*Sometimes we need help. Often there are people in our lives who would love to assist us in attaining our goals, but we don't ask them. Whether it's out of pride or ignorance, we miss out on the exact help we need, putting us further and further away from getting where we want to be.
And then, sometimes, what you want isn't meant for you.
How many times do we see something we want and decide we have to have it? How many times do we convince ourselves that what we want is actually ours for the taking? At what cost do we take by force what we think should belong to us?
*That boyfriend/girlfriend who is nice, but there's just something missing. Maybe it's because the one you're supposed to be with is waiting for you to find them.
*That career choice that you just can't seem to be happy in. Maybe it's not the one you were supposed to pick.
*That door that you want to walk through because you've decided it the door to everything you've ever wanted. Maybe it's locked for a reason and you are too stubborn to realize you're being spared.
*That relationship that is toxic for you, but you refuse to walk away because you have convinced yourself that things can get better. Maybe the one thing you're trying to force is the one thing that will eventually lead to destruction.
The crush, the job, the car, the award, the fame, the fortune....the thing you put all your hope into....and it doesn't work out because it wasn't meant for you. The thing you're supposed to be working toward is somewhere down the road. It might not look like the thing you're giving up. It might not even look like it's that special. But it will be the perfect fit for whatever it is you're dreaming of. Things that are meant for us have a way of lining up so that we don't have to force anything to fit where it doesn't belong. That doesn't mean you won't have to put in some effort, but it will be yours because you will have all the things you need to attain it.
So as I walked away from

And I was just a former Florida girl, enjoying the beach I'd never enjoyed, getting a lesson in life from the Lord.