I'm a talker. Anyone who doesn't know that about me either hasn't spent any time with me or is a talker themselves (and I can't get a word in!). When it comes to struggles in my relationships, I'm a talker-outter. I don't need to rehash every moment and replay every word, but I do want my side understood and I want to hear the other person's heart so I can understand them. However, I don't always get the luxury of talking through a situation. It is those circumstances that I find I have the most trouble reconciling within myself because I feel there's been no closure.
Recently, I was faced with several different variations of this situation. In one instance, I was able to have a real heart to heart conversation and clear up misunderstandings on both sides. It resulted in an even closer relationship. It is also my ideal preference when things like this happen.
A second relationship that had suffered some setbacks is on the mend because each of us took the time to give a simple "I should have tried harder" explanation. It in no way dissected the ins and outs of the hurt, but by both of us acknowledging our part, we were able to move forward.

But here is where The Lords has been ministering to me. He's reminded me that He Himself has two standards of reconciliation. The first is the standard of repentance of sin: "But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." 1 John 1:9 This is the foundation of being reconciled back to the Father. As we face repentance, we are given the opportunity to talk it out with Him; to rehash all the details of our sins and shortcomings so that He can provide us with His point of view - Jesus Christ. It is also the foundation of reconciling a believer who has sinned against another believer: "If another brother [member of the church] sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If he [the member] listens to you, you have regained that one." Matthew 18:15 Again, it is a moment to have an open discussion about the past so that, with forgiveness, the relationship can be restored and move forward. So sins that need to be forgiven are the first standard of forgiveness.

We are so much alike.